our mission

Our Policy Mission

Our policy mission aims to help businesses in the Engineering and Manufacturing sector across the four nations of the UK understand the implications of developments in the UK’s skills and education policies. We seek to influence policy developments on their behalf to ensure that skills and education policies best meet the needs of the sector’s employers, as well as their current and future workforces.

Find out more about The Enginuity Skills Action Plan – A Manifesto for Change. 

The Enginuity Skills Action Plan – A Manifesto for Change

Our impact during 2022-2023


Responses to government and sector consultations.


Research and white papers published.


We participated in 12 Sector Forums.


Strategic partnerships to help represent the voice of the employers on sector skills.

The engineering and manufacturing sector is facing an incredible set of challenges which is driving fundamental changes to the sector's skills needs and methods of provision, for example:

  1. Rapid technological and industrial change 
  2. The urgent need to deliver engineering solutions for sustainability 
  3. The net-zero and response to changing demographics 

The sector now needs to ensure it can positively influence policy on skills and education more than ever. We act as the sector connector for the advanced manufacturing and engineering industry, we combine our engineering and labour market expertise, with ingenuity data to provide expert Enginuity insight into engineering and manufacturing skills challenges.

Policy Focus: England

Policy Focus: Scotland

How we make a difference

We aim to achieve our mission by providing policy stakeholders and decision-makers across the four nations with expert advice, insight, solutions, and problem-solving tools, including:


Research and white papers.


Responses to consultations on engineering and manufacturing skills and education policy.

Strategic collaborations and projects

Leveraging our strategic partnerships to effect policy change.

Tools and resources for employers

Enginuity products that can help your business.

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