Policy Consultation Image

Supplementary evidence by Dame Judith Hackitt to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee






Enginuity’s Chair, Dame Judith Hackitt, provided the Science and Technology Committee (Lords) with expert advice as a member of a panel on apprenticeships in the UK. In her appearance on 25 October 2022, and subsequent written evidence provided on 16 November 2023, Dame Judith discussed:  

  • the need to increase the number of E&M apprenticeships 
  • how to address the low levels of participation in E&M apprenticeships by under-represented groups, including females and non-white ethnic minorities
  • the scope to use gamification for smarter recruitment  
  • the need to reform the Apprenticeship Levy and provide greater support for modular qualifications  
  • the need to improve data to inform decision-making.  
Dame Judith Hackitt's Evidence to the Committee