Charitable projects

Our solutions agnostic approach to finding new ways to close skills gaps in UK engineering and manufacturing see us support and measure the impact of a wide range of charitable projects.

Tutor with student in a computer lab, showing student Enginuity Enspire online tools.
Two engineers looking at large solar panels at a field.

Finding new ways to close skills gaps

Each of our charitable projects is created to tackle a combination of the following problems:

  • Employers struggling to fill current skills gaps
  • The education system struggling to meet the needs of all employers and particularly SMEs
  • The education system being fragmented and confusing
  • Solving cross-industry skills challenges requires a 'sector connector'.

Explore our projects

Female engineer in lab, with safety goggles.

Awareness of Engineering & Manufacturing T Levels with Gatsby

In collaboration with Gatsby, we are helping employers in England understand the benefits that Engineering and Manufacturing T Levels students offer.

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Person using computer with AI data graphics.

Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult's Career Converter

Working with the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult and the Advanced Therapies Skills Training Network, we developed a Career Converter tool that uncovers roles in advanced therapies and vaccine manufacturing that match individuals’ existing skills.

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Image of an aeroplane engine.

Aerospace Skills Comparator & Role Explorer

We partnered with ADS, and Farnborough International help more people access career opportunities in the thriving aerospace industry through bespoke Skills Comparator and Role Explorer tools.

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Women working on an engineering project.

Future Skills Hub  

The Enginuity Future Skills Hub demystifies the tech, and transitions reshaping industries and driving skills demand within the UK’s engineering and manufacturing sector.

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Student working in lab while teacher helps.

Teesside University AI and data science scholarships  

Thanks to our funding and backing, Teesside University has launched 20 scholarships in 2023 to help students from underrepresented backgrounds study postgraduate degrees in AI and data science. 

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Businesswoman taking notes while participating in an education event

SME Advisory Group  

To ensure that our research, policy work and charitable projects reflect the views and needs of small and medium-sized employers, we have created an SME Advisory Group.

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Young person exploring Enspire City on a computer.

Enspire City 

Helping young people discover how engineers are creating a more sustainable world through our free online STEM outreach tool.

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A Minecraft character in front of a plane built in game.

Skills Miner  

Our award-winning Skills Miner games encourage young people to tackle engineering skills challenges in Minecraft, the most played game in the world.

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Image of a woman soldering.

STEM Apprenticeship Toolkit in collaboration with WISE

Working with Women into Science and Engineering (WISE) to create a toolkit for employers to support them in recruiting more gender-balanced groups of apprentices.

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Students working on an engineering project.

National Occupational Standards (NOS) 2024/25

Enginuity is dedicated to ensuring that National Occupational Standards (NOS) remain relevant and effective in driving high-quality vocational training and apprenticeship programs across the UK.

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Electrification Skills Network image

Electrification Skills Network

The Electrification Skills Network (ESN) seeks to align electrification skills with industry needs, with Enginuity leading employer engagement.

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Female engineer in a lab, looking at equipment.

Automotive Reskilling & Upskilling Platform Pilot  

The Automotive Reskilling & Upskilling Platform addresses the growing need for digitalisation and electrification skills in the automotive industry.

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Skills awards hero image

Enginuity Skills Awards 

For over a decade, the Enginuity Skills Awards has celebrated the brightest and best in UK engineering and manufacturing talent and the organisations championing skills development to ensure a bright future for our sector.

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