The surprise benefits of hosting a T Level industry placement: Norfolk-based manufacturer Redpack share their story
News , Insights , Case Studies
Redpack Packaging Machinery employs around 80 people and manufactures flow wrap machines used to package products such as cheese, bread, crisps, cosmetics and toys.
Two years ago, the company began hosting its first T Level industry placements. The process was simple to set up and since completing their courses, four students have been offered apprenticeships at Redpack, making it an effective way to grow their team.
Watch our video to hear manager Gary Howard share how hosting T Level industry placements has been a game-changer for his business. Hear how T Level students brought a fresh perspective to their team, alongside the right technical skills and motivation to do the job.

T Levels are technical qualifications for 16-19 year-olds in England. Each T Level combines classroom learning with a 45-day industry placement hosted by an employer. The 45 days can be run flexibly to suit the student and business – they can be done in blocks or day release, or shared with another employer.
Interested in offering a T Level industry placement?
Find out more: employers.tlevels.gov.uk .
Explore T Levels“I would 100% recommend T Level placements... it's a simple process and the students are very productive."
Interested in offering a T Level industry placement?
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