Enginuity’s Labour Market Information Snapshot (LMI)

An overview of the roles most in demand in the UK engineering and manufacturing sector, and related industries, between 2019-2023. It is produced using Lightcast Labour Market Information on online job advertisements or postings, alongside the ‘common language’ we’ve created for engineering and manufacturing occupation and skills data.

How can the LMI snapshot help the sector?

Enginuity aims to empower individuals, employers, and policymakers through data and insight to uncover changing employer demands across the sector and highlight the most sought-after roles and skills at a national and regional level. Our goal is to:

  • Enable individuals to make informed decisions, highlighting in demand skills for the most sought after roles in the sector.
  • Assist employers in making informed choices on recruitment, upskilling, and reskilling strategies.
  • Provide trade associations and governmental bodies with valuable insights over time, to shape policies and initiatives designed to support the competitiveness of the UK's engineering and manufacturing sector, and related industries.
LMI how can it help image

Our LMI snapshot is produced using Lightcast Labour Market Information on online job advertisements or postings, alongside the ‘common language’ we’ve created for engineering and manufacturing occupation and skills data.

*The dashboard will perform better if viewed in landscape on mobile. If you do have issues accessing the embedded data report, you can also access the download here. 

In the LMI snapshot, you will find...

Job postings

Job postings are online ads by employers to attract candidates for roles, focusing solely on online recruitment. They may include multiple posts for the same vacancy or feature more than one vacancy per posting.

Unique job postings

Unique job postings aim to eliminate duplication when multiple ads or listings are for the same vacancy. This process identifies duplicates and shows the number of vacancies for a specific type of role.

Competing employers

Competing employers assesses the number of employers posting online jobs requiring similar skills, qualifications, and experience. It shows the level of competition for talent within a specific skill set.

Specialised skills

Specialised skills refers to technical or hard skills required within an occupation or to do a specific task. This helps gain an understanding of what technical skills are highly sought after in job postings.

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Enginuity’s Labour Market Information (LMI) snapshot report

Download the snapshot report now for a full overview of the roles most in demand in the UK engineering and manufacturing sector, and related industries, between 2019-2023. 

Download the LMI snapshot

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