How to improve STEM apprentice retention
Apprenticeships offer a unique opportunity not only to bring more women into STEM but also to retain talent already within your organisation.
Why do women leave STEM roles?
Retaining apprentices, and particularly women in STEM fields, is vital for a diverse and skilled workforce. Encouragingly, overall apprenticeship retention rates have risen from 71% in 2023 to 77% in 2024.[1] However, the representation of women in engineering and technology roles has declined slightly, from 16.5% in 2022 to 15.7% in 2023, highlighting ongoing challenges in retention generally as women progress through their career.[2]
Women leave STEM fields for many of the same reasons, regardless of career stage. A study by Women in Tech found that a lack of career progression and the need for higher, more equal pay are major factors, along with a lack of belonging and inclusion, unconscious gender bias, and inflexible work policies.
[1] FE News | More graduates and apprentices leaving jobs for better pay
[2] Call to action to reverse small but worrying spike in women aged 35 to 44 leaving engineering

Six things employers can offer to retain STEM apprentices
In this article we’ll explore what employers can change about their company that will help female workers stay engaged and focused on developing their skills without changing jobs or dropping out of STEM altogether.

More from the STEM Apprenticeships Toolkit

Generate interest and enthusiasm for STEM among women and girls from an early age. We are looking to challenge the stereotypes and show what STEM careers can help people to achieve, to attract new members.
visit the Attract section
Develop strategies to actively recruit more women and girls into STEM apprenticeships. Address barriers to entry and create inclusive recruitment processes.
visit the Recruit section
Provide continuous support to apprentices, and ensure they have the resources and encouragement they need to succeed and develop the right skills.
Visit the Support sectionOther STEM Apprenticeships Toolkit resources

Apprenticeships across the UK
Find out why apprenticeships represent a great opportunity for women and girls to get into STEM careers. See how apprenticeships work and what apprentices can expect to learn in the role.
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Case studies: women in STEM
We’ve worked with a number of employers across the UK to put their plans for a more diverse STEM workforce into action. Find out how leading employers are creating more opportunities for women in STEM apprenticeships.
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