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Skills Comparator

The Skills Comparator is a versatile web application that helps employers and individuals identify and understand transferable skills that are often hidden so that they can make informed decisions about recruitment, upskilling and reskilling.

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How can the Skills Comparator help your business?

The Skills Comparator supports the engineering and manufacturing sector by giving you the tools you need to make informed decisions about recruitment, upskilling and reskilling.

  • Recruitment: Widen the talent pool when recruiting for hard-to-fill positions by focusing more on relevant transferable skills rather than direct experience.
  • Outplacement: Assist an employee with outplacement by suggesting other roles which closely align with their current skillset.
  • Demand Analysis: See which roles are in high demand at present and how relevant my/my employee’s skills are.
  • Workforce planning: See which roles may become high-demand roles in the future and how relevant my/my employee’s skills will be.
Who is the Skills Comparator for Image

Powered by the Enginuity Skills Framework

The Enginuity Skills Framework provides key information on a wide range of engineering occupations, job roles, work activities and skills found in engineering and manufacturing sectors.

Intended to be a 'common skills language' for the Engineering & Manufacturing sector, the Enginuity Skills Framework explores the connections between careers, skills, and employer-led demand

Find out more
Skills Framework Image

Ready to start your recruitment, upskilling and reskilling journey? ​

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